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Reporting a malpractice

If, through your work or other business contact with Royal A-ware Food Group, you suspect that malpractice might be taking place and that social interests are at stake, you can report it - anonymously if necessary - using the form below.

Malpractice occurs when, for example, statutory regulations or internal rules are violated within or by Royal A-Ware, and/or there is a danger to public health, safety, the environment or (financial) integrity of the company and social interest is at stake.

Before filling in the form, please read through our whistleblowing and the questions and answers document. Did the malpractice take place outside the Netherlands? Then also read any relevant addendum. The reporting form is not intended for individual problems with Royal A-ware.

Report handling
Our Compliance Officer will process your report and, if you have provided your details, respond within 7 days. If you make your report anonymously, we will not be able to keep you informed of further follow-up and answer any questions you may have. With non-anonymous reporting, you are protected from harm such as dismissal or transfer.

If you want to remain anonymous do not fill in the fields below.