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The mission of Royal A-ware in all food activities is to create the shortest route from consumer to cow. To achieve this, around 3,000 employees are active every day in 31 branches spread across the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, US and Singapore. Our products are sold all over the world.

In order to be able to switch flexibly and quickly, Royal A-ware is divided into divisions. All the divisions have their own activities and management teams.

From the production of cheese, ripening, cutting, smoking to packaging and exporting our cheese. We organise all activities related to cheese from this division.
Within this division, we develop innovative dairy concepts and produce fermented, fresh and UHT dairy and cream products for various market segments.
Within this division, we produce mozzarella from cow's milk, UHT cream for patisserie and culinary applications and high-quality whey.
Within this division, we develop high-quality milk powders for customers from all over the world.
Within this division, we organize all our activities for our customers in the Foodservice segment.
Within the Bouter Group, we ripen, cut, package and distribute cheese and produce tapas products exclusively for Ahold Delhaize.

Managing board Royal A-ware

Jan Anker (CEO) grew up with cheese and took over part of his father's company in 1996. In the years that followed, Anker Kaas experienced great growth under his leadership and eventually merges with the family business Bouter Cheese to form Royal A-ware.

Antonio Rodriguez (CFO) has extensive experience in financial administrative management positions and since 2015 he has been co-responsible for the strategy of Royal A-ware and ultimately responsible for, for instance, Finance and ICT.

Klaas de Jong (COO) is an expert regarding the dairy market and since 2012 he has been ultimately responsible for all the activities of Royal A-ware in Heerenveen and the contact with the dairy farmers.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board acts as a sounding board for the holding management of Royal A-ware. In this way, the Board reflects on the strategy and gives support regarding strategic issues.

Mr. Van Schijndel (president)
Former member of Rabobank Board of Directors

Mr. Alblas 
Former CEO of Lamb Weston / Meijer

Mr. Bouter
Former owner of Bouter Cheese

Ms. Pon
President member of Supervisory Board Pon & URUS, Organic Farmer

Ms. Wielinga
(President) member of Supervisory Board NX Filtration and Gasunie, former CFO of various companies