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10 Life Saving Rules

As a family-run business, we deem it crucial that everyone feels safe and works in an environment where health & safety is a prerequisite in all our activities. Together, we ensure a safe and healthy working environment and prevent injuries and accidents.

Royal A-ware has devised ten Life Saving Rules that help prevent injuries and accidents. This is our baseline for safe and healthy working conditions. It is therefore vital that everyone working at our sites knows and applies these ten Life Saving Rules. 
Would you like further information about this? Get in touch at she@royal-ware.com.

1: Work safely or not at all

  • I have the requisite training, qualifications, skills and authorisation to perform my job safely.
  • I always carry out a Last Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA).
  • I never work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medicines that affect responsiveness.

2: Take action, don't walk by

  • I tackle others on unsafe behaviour and accept feedback from others.
  • I resolve a dangerous situation immediately.
  • I report dangerous situations to my team leader, line manager or via the intranet.

3: Wear the prescribed PPE

  • I always use my personal protective equipment when required.
  • I use my personal protective equipment as intended.
  • Prior to use I check that the protective equipment works properly and isn't damaged.

4: Ensure the safety of subcontractors and visitors

  • I supervise subcontractors and visitors.
  • I ensure that subcontractors and visitors work and act safely.

5: Work with a work permit

  • I am authorised to carry out the work and have a work permit.
  • I have been instructed on the dangers and safety measures.
  • I understand the safety rules and follow them.
  • I am confident that the dangers are under control, and it is safe to start.
  • I stop and reassess the risks if circumstances change.

6: Work safely at heights

  • I work at height only as instructed.
  • I deploy fall protection.
  • I harness myself or work behind the guard rail.

7: Work safely with electrical systems and machinery

  • I use Lock-Out-Tag-Out-Try-Out (LOTOTO) as per the instructions provided.
  • I only work on electrical systems for which I am qualified.
  • I only work with safe and approved tools and materials.

8: Work safely in confined spaces

  • I make sure I have a work permit before entering a confined space.
  • Where necessary, I confirm that energy sources are isolated.
  • I confirm the atmosphere has been tested and is monitored when required.
  • I confirm a manhole barrier is at the ready.
  • I confirm a rescue plan is in place.

9: Work safely with hazardous substances

  • I use hazardous substances as per the instructions provided.
  • I always seal a pack after use.
  • I clean up hazardous substances immediately in the event of spills or leaks.

10: Follow rules for safe internal traffic

  • I use the walkways and cross at zebra crossings.
  • I seek eye contact with drivers (do you see me; do I see you).
  • When driving, I always wear a seat belt.
  • I keep to the speed limit and adjust my speed to the conditions.